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_ PresidentialElection2024/USR's Fritz: We appeal to parties to not be part of this charade; we will notify European institutions

PresidentialElection2024/USR's Fritz: We appeal to parties to not be part of this charade; we will notify European institutions

The Save Romania Union (USR) will notify the European institutions in case the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) decides to recount the votes, the mayor of Timisoara, Dominic Fritz, announced on Thursday.

"First of all, I am sure that we will also appeal the decision of the BEC to the High Court. Secondly, we will also notify the European institutions. Last but not least, the Venice Commission, about these things. Of course, we appeal to all parties political parties to not be part of this charade. Even when we talk about a possible annulment, for example, of the elections, not to participate in such an attempt to overthrow the will of the Romanians," said the mayor, at the USR headquarters.

According to the mayor of Timisoara, it is "impossible" to recount the "exact" votes until Friday.

He mentioned that USR will use "all the legal and political instruments" at its disposal to "unmask this attempt to overturn" the election result.

"Marcel Ciolacu lost these elections, he admitted his defeat and the Romanians went to the polls. This result was attested by over 150,000 delegates, from all parties, who in all sections of the country signed the minutes, in each section, that this count was correct. There was no objection until the deadline. Now the idea that a small group of people - many of them, I understand, auxiliary staff, at the Prefect's offices - could recount in a short time and reach a better result, in fact it is absolutely hallucinatory. It is clear here that a loser is trying to change the will expressed by Sunday's vote But I am absolutely sure that no legal device, no institutional artifice will be able to change the opinion expressed by the Romanians on Sunday", the USR representative said.

The leader of USR deputies, Ionut Mosteanu, requested, on Thursday, that all party leaders demand from their representatives in the Central Electoral Bureau to reject the recount of votes in the first round of the presidential elections.


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Nr. de articole la aceasta sectiune: 14, afisate in 1 pagina.