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_ Presidential contender Elena Lasconi accuses Constitutional Court of putting national security on the line

Presidential contender Elena Lasconi accuses Constitutional Court of putting national security on the line

Save Romania Union (USR) leader and presidential hopeful Elena Lasconi accuses the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) of "putting national security on the line" and meddling for the second time with the democratic process.

"The CCR is putting national security on the line! The vote of each of us is sacred! What the CCR is trying to do now is absolutely terrible for a democratic country. I am here to defend democracy and I am calling on the Central Electoral Bureau to handle the vote recount with wisdom. The law must be the same for everyone, not interpreted differently to the benefit of some. It's for the second time that the CCR meddles with the democratic process. The CCR cannot appoint presidents at the green table," the USR leader wrote on Facebook.

Extremism is fought through voting, "not through backstage games", Lasconi said, and went on to note: "Romania deserves more, not a band of old political heavyweights who use the institutions strictly for personal gain! I am here to defend democracy and I will do everything in my power to ensure that it is not trampled on by corrupt politicians."

Romania's Constitutional Court on Thursday asked the country's top election authority to recount and re-check all the ballots from Sunday's presidential election first round, and also decided to postpone until Friday a decision on whether to confirm the results of the presidential first round.


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Nr. de articole la aceasta sectiune: 7, afisate in 1 pagina.