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_ Italian ambassador: Romania and Italy's bilateral bond is based on their strong communion of fundamental values

Italian ambassador: Romania and Italy's bilateral bond is based on their strong communion of fundamental values

The deep bond between Romania and Italy, built over decades, is based on the strong communion of fundamental values and the shared membership to the Euro-Atlantic family. These values are where the convergence of our stances on all crucial international files arises from, from support for the defense of Ukraine's sovereignty and independence against the Russian aggression to the EU enlargement to the countries of the Western Balkans and the Eastern neighborhood, and our joint commitment to ensuring full support in the face of challenges to security, democracy and prosperity our nations and the whole of Europe are called to face, the diplomat pointed out.

He also referred to the Romanian community in Italy, stating that Romania and Italy's political relationship reflects in their deep and extensive economic, industrial and commercial partnerships, oriented towards sustainable innovation and emerging technologies. This has been a basis for equally strong social and human changes, thanks to the well-integrated Romanian diaspora in Italy and the vibrant presence of Italians in Romania - two communities that are an integral part of their society, without any discrimination, creating new social and family relationships, mutual understanding and trust.

The diplomat brought to mind that the exhibition was also presented in October at the Italian Chamber of Deputies, yet the Bucharest version is somewhat changed compared to the one in Italy.

The exhibition at the seat of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) brings together photographs, archival documents and old Italian coins, illustrative of the relations between the two states.

BNR governor Mugur Isărescu said that the showcased items are significant for the Italian-Romanian relationship and for the public.

Isarescu also highlighted certain aspects of BNR's history.

"A century ago, the National Bank of Romania financed the construction of the Accademia di Romania in Rome, a building erected according to the plans designed by architect Petre Antonescu on a land plot donated by the Rome City Hall in 1921," he added.

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu said that the two states have a "privileged relationship".

"At this moment, our relations are stronger than ever. In February this year we had our third intergovernmental meeting, marking a new page in the common history of our countries," she stressed. Odobescu also recalled the visit of Italian President Sergio Mattarella to Bucharest this summer.

"The diplomats' actions are not always known to the broad public, but the results of their efforts are essential for the dynamics of bilateral relations. We are pragmatists, but also defenders motivated by a national vision and trajectory. The interests of Romania and Italy are linked to a strong Europe and a secure NATO alliance. This is all the more evident, as we have experienced Russia's brutal and unprecedented attack on sovereignty, fundamental human rights and freedom," she also emphasized.

Conveying the message of the head of the state, presidential advisor Sandra Pralong said: "Our ties extend back to the 15th century and, as we well know, are even deeper, two thousand years old. What other country do we share such an extraordinary brotherhood with, other than with our Italian and Latin friends? Over time, Romania has sent to Italy, and Italy has sent to Romania some of their most valuable statesmen - Nicolae Kretzulescu, Petre Carp, Dimitrie Ghica are some of the diplomats who have contributed to these strong ties. These people came to serve as foreign ministers or prime ministers of this country, just to prove to you the immense importance Romania has attached to this fantastic relationship over the last 145 years," Pralong pointed out.

Furthermore, she noted that the bilateral ties are not limited to diplomacy and official documents, but "are being built every day by the millions of Romanians living in Italy and by the Italians who live and reside in Romania."

The exhibition is organized by the Italian Embassy in Bucharest and the Foreign Affairs Ministry, in partnership with the National Bank.

The deep bilateral bond connecting Romania and Italy is based on their strong communion of fundamental values, Italian ambassador in Bucharest Alfredo Maria Durante Mangoni declared on Wednesday at the opening of the exhibition marking 145 years of diplomatic relations between the two states.

The deep bond between Romania and Italy, built over decades, is based on the strong communion of fundamental values and the shared membership to the Euro-Atlantic family. These values are where the convergence of our stances on all crucial international files arises from, from support for the defense of Ukraine's sovereignty and independence against the Russian aggression to the EU enlargement to the countries of the Western Balkans and the Eastern neighborhood, and our joint commitment to ensuring full support in the face of challenges to security, democracy and prosperity our nations and the whole of Europe are called to face, the diplomat pointed out.

He also referred to the Romanian community in Italy, stating that Romania and Italy's political relationship reflects in their deep and extensive economic, industrial and commercial partnerships, oriented towards sustainable innovation and emerging technologies. This has been a basis for equally strong social and human changes, thanks to the well-integrated Romanian diaspora in Italy and the vibrant presence of Italians in Romania - two communities that are an integral part of their society, without any discrimination, creating new social and family relationships, mutual understanding and trust.

The diplomat brought to mind that the exhibition was also presented in October at the Italian Chamber of Deputies, yet the Bucharest version is somewhat changed compared to the one in Italy.

The exhibition at the seat of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) brings together photographs, archival documents and old Italian coins, illustrative of the relations between the two states.

BNR governor Mugur Isărescu said that the showcased items are significant for the Italian-Romanian relationship and for the public.

Isarescu also highlighted certain aspects of BNR's history.

"A century ago, the National Bank of Romania financed the construction of the Accademia di Romania in Rome, a building erected according to the plans designed by architect Petre Antonescu on a land plot donated by the Rome City Hall in 1921," he added.

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu said that the two states have a "privileged relationship".

"At this moment, our relations are stronger than ever. In February this year we had our third intergovernmental meeting, marking a new page in the common history of our countries," she stressed. Odobescu also recalled the visit of Italian President Sergio Mattarella to Bucharest this summer.

"The diplomats' actions are not always known to the broad public, but the results of their efforts are essential for the dynamics of bilateral relations. We are pragmatists, but also defenders motivated by a national vision and trajectory. The interests of Romania and Italy are linked to a strong Europe and a secure NATO alliance. This is all the more evident, as we have experienced Russia's brutal and unprecedented attack on sovereignty, fundamental human rights and freedom," she also emphasized.

Conveying the message of the head of the state, presidential advisor Sandra Pralong said: "Our ties extend back to the 15th century and, as we well know, are even deeper, two thousand years old. What other country do we share such an extraordinary brotherhood with, other than with our Italian and Latin friends? Over time, Romania has sent to Italy, and Italy has sent to Romania some of their most valuable statesmen - Nicolae Kretzulescu, Petre Carp, Dimitrie Ghica are some of the diplomats who have contributed to these strong ties. These people came to serve as foreign ministers or prime ministers of this country, just to prove to you the immense importance Romania has attached to this fantastic relationship over the last 145 years," Pralong pointed out.

Furthermore, she noted that the bilateral ties are not limited to diplomacy and official documents, but "are being built every day by the millions of Romanians living in Italy and by the Italians who live and reside in Romania."

The exhibition is organized by the Italian Embassy in Bucharest and the Foreign Affairs Ministry, in partnership with the National Bank.


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