06:36 2024-01-31
intpolitic - citeste alte articole pe aceeasi tema
Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Cyber-security specialists to attend conference in BucharestCyber-security specialists to attend conference in BucharestThe conference will bring together executives of six Israeli companies that will present their solutions in the field. Yigal Unna, a former director of the Israel National Cyber Directorate, will be with them in Bucharest. Among the guests are Reuven Azar - Israeli ambassador to Romania; Mircea Constantin Scheau - cyber-security specialist; Marius Mitrus - adviser at the National Bank of Romania (BNR); Dragos Ionica - cyber-security advisory manager at Deloitte Romania, and Fraga Tariuc - public relations officer at the National Cyber-Security Directorate (DNSC).
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