14:52 2024-02-26
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ We will find mechanisms by which people have right to run for local elections (Chamber's Simonis)We will find mechanisms by which people have right to run for local elections (Chamber's Simonis)Simonis was asked, at the Palace of Parliament, if the Administrative Code will be amended and what will be the formula that will allow mayors, in 2024, to run for any party, without losing their mandate. "I don't have the final legal formula, at the moment. It is certainly common sense that if the Government establishes the advance of the local elections by a few months, the mayors who wish to run can do so. According to the current legislation, if a party no longer wants to support the mayor, a mayor who is part of this party or by which he was elected four years ago, the current mayor no longer has the right to run. This is madness, it is nonsense. The fact that the Government comes with an advance of the term, it automatically puts us in the situation of being obliged to find mechanisms by which people have the right to run for office," said Simonis. He mentioned that the final legal formula "is not very clear", but in the next period the solution will be found "so as not to prohibit people who want to run, to run".
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