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_ President Iohannis received new ambassadors of Norway, India, Republic of the Philippines and Korean DPR

President Iohannis received new ambassadors of Norway, India, Republic of the Philippines and Korean DPR

President Klaus Iohannis received, on Tuesday, at the Cotroceni Palace, for the presentation of letters of credence, the accredited ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway, Hilde Svartdal Lunde, the accredited ambassador of the Republic of India, Manika Jain, the accredited ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines, Noel Eugene Eusebio M. Servigon , and the ambassador-at-large of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Ri Sang-Rim.

According to the Presidential Administration, in the discussions with the Norwegian ambassador, Hilde Svartdal Lunde, the two sides expressed their interest in expanding Romanian-Norwegian cooperation in areas of common interest, and President Klaus Iohannis appreciated the financial support granted to Romania through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian one, recently extended until 2028, which provides an additional boost to bilateral economic relations.

"The President of Romania welcomed the very good level of bilateral relations, appreciating that they are reflected in an efficient collaboration in numerous fields and a positive dynamic of political-diplomatic contacts. In the discussion, the areas of sectoral cooperation with development potential were addressed, with an emphasis on the energy, climate protection and security and defense sectors, from the position of Romania and Norway as NATO allied states," according to the quoted source.

Klaus Iohannis sent the Norwegian ambassador a welcome message and wished him success in fulfilling his mandate, assuring the full support of the Romanian side.

In the meeting with the Indian ambassador, Manika Jain, the head of state conveyed that the Romanian authorities will provide all support for a successful mandate.

"The President highlighted the importance of the bilateral relationship and the fact that India represents our country's main partner in South Asia. Also, President Klaus Iohannis appreciated the increasing level of economic exchanges between the two countries, the Romanian side being interested in an intensification of relations commercial," the press release mentions.

The Ambassador of the Republic of India welcomed the recent celebration, in 2023, of 75 years of diplomatic relations and evoked the dynamic character of relations at the cultural and educational level.

During the discussions with the Philippine ambassador, Noel Eugene Eusebio M. Servigon, President Iohannis welcomed the decision of the Philippine authorities to reopen the Embassy in Bucharest, after 12 years since its closure, thus marking the high potential of bilateral relations.

In this sense, the head of state emphasized that the Romanian side will be a reliable partner for an activity with as many positive results as possible for the embassy.

"The President of Romania conveyed the openness of our country to intensify commercial and economic exchanges with the Republic of the Philippines, including in terms of identifying new joint projects. He also showed the Romanian side's interest in a closer collaboration in education and research," the Presidential Administration informs.


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Nr. de articole la aceasta sectiune: 14, afisate in 1 pagina.