20:31 2024-02-23
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Ciolacu: Let no more people die on the front in Ukraine and afterwards economies recoverCiolacu: Let no more people die on the front in Ukraine and afterwards economies recover"Romania is a member of the European Union and a member of the NATO organization. Moreover, we have the longest border with Ukraine, almost 650 kilometers. The first wave and the first migration exodus from Ukraine at the beginning of the war was firstly through Romania, through the nearest border and you know, not necessarily the involvement of the Romanian state, especially the involvement of the Romanians. How much solidarity they showed with the hardship of Ukrainians. We were affected economically but not only us, the entire world economy. We see that this year more developed economies than the Romanian economy have gone into recession. So there is an economic influence first and foremost. We hope that in the coming period the best solutions will be found. First of all, not people are still dying on the front in Ukraine and eventually the economies will recover, I am firmly convinced", stated Marcel Ciolacu. The prime minister emphasized that Romania has shown humanity and involvement through multidimensional aid towards Ukraine.
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