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_ Three-month ROBOR index rises to 5.75% per year on Friday

Three-month ROBOR index rises to 5.75% per year on Friday

The three-month ROBOR index, based on which the cost of consumer loans in lei with variable interest is calculated, rose on Friday to 5.75% per annum, from 5.59% per annum in the previous meeting, according to data published by the Bank National Bank of Romania (BNR).

At the beginning of the year, the three-month ROBOR index was 6.21%, and on January 3, 2023 it was 7.56%.

The six-month index, used in the calculation of interest on mortgage loans in lei with variable interest, rose to 5.79% per year, from 5.63%, and the 12-month ROBOR increased to the value of 5.83%, from 5.68%.

Regarding the reference index for consumer loans (IRCC), regulated by GEO 19/2019, it is 5.99% per year, being calculated as the arithmetic average of the daily interest rates of interbank transactions from the second quarter of 2024, in increase compared to the previous quarter, of 5.86%.

In May 2019, GEO 19/2019 entered into force, which modifies the way in which the rate is calculated for loans in RON with variable interest. Thus, the normative act established the reference index for consumer loans (IRCC), calculated quarterly exclusively on the basis of interbank transactions.


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