10:23 2024-11-20
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Women in Transport&Tourism Association, first of its kind, launched in BucharestWomen in Transport&Tourism Association, first of its kind, launched in BucharestThe Women in Transport&Tourism Association (WTTA) brings together the two sectors that cannot live without each other, aiming to provide greater visibility and a stronger voice for all professionals, for women working in this industry, and to promote excellence and equity, the president of the organization, Claudia Tapardel, stated on Wednesday, on the occasion of the official launch of this new association. "The Women in Transport&Tourism Association is one year old. On December 12, 2023, there were only 10 of us sitting at a table in a restaurant, celebrating the founding of this association. We were full of dreams and hopes and, indeed, today I can say that dreams come true. First of all, we are the first Romanian, European and global association of women in transport and tourism. An association that brings together the two sectors, which, in my opinion, cannot live without each other. We want to empower, connect and inspire women to cause change in both sectors. We want to provide greater visibility and a stronger voice for all professionals, women working in this industries, to promote excellence and equity. We do not want to fight with men, we just want equity and partnership. We want to contribute to growth and development for both areas, while also strengthening collaboration and partnership with representative and main actors in the public and private sectors. We also undertake the mission of creating an economic and social environment that leads to the professional growth of women who build a career in both areas with passion and dedication," said Tapardel, at the official launch event of the WTTA. This showed that, globally, 54% of people employed in tourism are women, while in the general economy they represent 39%. "So we are very present in the tourism sector. But women in tourism earn 40.7% less than men. Also, 23% of tourism ministers are women. This means only 23% of all states in the world, but we are still better off than at the global level, where 20.7% of government ministers are women. Now coming back to Romania (...) I want to tell you something: in transport and tourism, out of 600,000 employed people, only 30.5% are women, and of these only 0.35% are entrepreneurs, have their own company," mentioned the president of WTTA. Claudia Tapardel also emphasised that she created this association because, together, women in transport and tourism are stronger and can make their voice heard. The Women in Transport&Tourism Association (WTTA) brings together the two sectors that cannot live without each other, aiming to provide greater visibility and a stronger voice for all professionals, for women working in this industry, and to promote excellence and equity, the president of the organization, Claudia Tapardel, stated on Wednesday, on the occasion of the official launch of this new association. "The Women in Transport&Tourism Association is one year old. On December 12, 2023, there were only 10 of us sitting at a table in a restaurant, celebrating the founding of this association. We were full of dreams and hopes and, indeed, today I can say that dreams come true. First of all, we are the first Romanian, European and global association of women in transport and tourism. An association that brings together the two sectors, which, in my opinion, cannot live without each other. We want to empower, connect and inspire women to cause change in both sectors. We want to provide greater visibility and a stronger voice for all professionals, women working in this industries, to promote excellence and equity. We do not want to fight with men, we just want equity and partnership. We want to contribute to growth and development for both areas, while also strengthening collaboration and partnership with representative and main actors in the public and private sectors. We also undertake the mission of creating an economic and social environment that leads to the professional growth of women who build a career in both areas with passion and dedication," said Tapardel, at the official launch event of the WTTA. This showed that, globally, 54% of people employed in tourism are women, while in the general economy they represent 39%. "So we are very present in the tourism sector. But women in tourism earn 40.7% less than men. Also, 23% of tourism ministers are women. This means only 23% of all states in the world, but we are still better off than at the global level, where 20.7% of government ministers are women. Now coming back to Romania (...) I want to tell you something: in transport and tourism, out of 600,000 employed people, only 30.5% are women, and of these only 0.35% are entrepreneurs, have their own company," mentioned the president of WTTA. Claudia Tapardel also emphasised that she created this association because, together, women in transport and tourism are stronger and can make their voice heard.
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