![]() Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Bookfest hosts Saudi Arabia, Arabian countries stands![]() Bookfest hosts Saudi Arabia, Arabian countries standsPhotographs or albums showcase important historical monuments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as the first castle of the Saudi king, the great mosques of Mecca and Medina, as well as the economic achievements of the country, all dedicated to encouraging tourism. On display are a sword and a dagger, once used in battle, now only traditionally worn in certain regions of the kingdom or in dances, handmade woollen textile fragments, portraits of Saudi Arabian kings, decorative objects and architectural motifs, jewellery with specific Arab designs and vases.AdChoices There is also coffee, specific to these lands, prepared with cardamom, which visitors are invited to taste, along with dates or pastries. At the joint stand of the Arab countries (Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Qatar, Tunisia, Syria), under the slogan "Window to the Arab World," next to that of Saudi Arabia, Ambassador of the Republic of Lebanon in Bucharest Rana Mokaddem welcomes the public with the kindness of a career diplomat. "At the initiative of the Lebanese Embassy, every year since 10 years ago, we have this stand at Bookfest. We started with Lebanon and Egypt and after that the group got bigger and bigger. The presence of one country or another depends, from one edition to another, on the possibility of each country to participate in the event," the Lebanese diplomat told AGERPRES. Rana Mokaddem revealed that the stand is organised in three sections, one presenting books on the history, art and culture of the participating countries, another in cooperation with the Kyralina Bookshop in Bucharest, which includes literature, politics books for sale in French, English and Arabic, and the third one is designed for the programme offered to visitors to the stand. "We have a calligrapher here who writes in Arabic calligraphy. Tomorrow there will be a reading of Arabic poetry. It can be read in English, Romanian or French. One hour with live music. On Saturday, we have as guests the artists of the Tandarica Theatre, who will present Lebanese and Romanian dances," said Ambassador of the Republic of Lebanon in Bucharest Rana Mokaddem.
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