12:15 2024-04-22
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ IntMin Predoiu: 112% increase in floating visa applicationsIntMin Predoiu: 112% increase in floating visa applications"In the country the percentage is 112% higher than in the previous elections. There are counties with record numbers. I would like to stress that, according to the law, police bodies carry out checks when they are notified," Predoiu said in a videoconference with county prefects on local elections. He said that so far 7,261 requests have been sent to the police concerning 6,879 people and irregularities have been found concerning 451 people, or 6.6% of the cases checked. "So the phenomenon exists, it is not generated from anywhere else but from those who organise the structure with such practices. Of course, you, prefects, have no political affiliation, as well as sub-prefects, you are independent, but it is my duty to inform you, and the MAI structures are still doing their job. But this phenomenon goes beyond the intervention power of the Interior Ministry and I am reporting it to you as such. I told you last time, I am telling you now. I see that there are no more complaints about the phenomenon, but it has increased," added the Interior minister.
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