16:31 2024-02-29
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Transgaz net profit down 56 pct in 2023Transgaz net profit down 56 pct in 2023Revenues from operating activities before balancing and construction activities were higher than those realized as of December 31, 2022 by 9% (plus 137.36 million RON) and totaled 1.712 million RON. Revenues from international transport of natural gas and similar were higher by 42.379 million RON, while revenues from balancing activity decreased by 546.733 million RON. At Group level (Transgaz, Eurotransgaz and VestMoldTransgaz) net profit stood at 172.387 million RON (minus 50%), and revenues from operating activities amounted to 1.785 billion RON (plus 13%). SNTGN Transgaz is the sole operator of the National Natural Gas Transmission System (SNT) which ensures the safe, efficient and competitive transmission of over 90% of the natural gas consumed in Romania. Transgaz carries out the following activities: domestic transmission of natural gas - a regulated monopoly activity, with tariffs established on the basis of the methodology issued by the National Energy Regulatory Authority; international transmission of natural gas - an unregulated activity carried out through natural gas transmission pipelines, with tariffs established in accordance with the commercial contracts concluded between the parties; gas dispatching and research and design in the field of natural gas transmission. As a natural gas transmission and system operator certified under the Third Energy Package, since July 2010 Transgaz is a member of ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Natural Gas), an organisation in which the company cooperates with all European natural gas transmission system operators.
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Adauga Comentariu