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_ Ciolacu, in meeting with Roberta Metsola: Ambitious European agenda is needed more than ever

Ciolacu, in meeting with Roberta Metsola: Ambitious European agenda is needed more than ever

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said, on Monday, during the meeting he had with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, on the occasion of his visit to Brussels, that there is a need "more than ever" of an "ambitious, coherent and solidarity" European agenda between the member states, as well as "action in the interest of citizens", inform agerpres.ro.

According to a Government's release, Prime Minister Ciolacu congratulated Roberta Metsola for her reconfirmation as President of the European Parliament after the June 2024 elections, reiterating the readiness to continue the excellent institutional collaboration that has been achieved so far, in the context of the beginning of a new institutional cycle at European level, as well as the adoption of the new Strategic Agenda for the period 2024-2029.

"There is a need more than ever for an ambitious European agenda, for coherence and solidarity between the member states, as well as action in the interest of the citizens. Romania will continue to support the activity of the European institutions, of the new European Parliament, to contribute actively and in spirit constructively, as it has done until now, in strengthening the Union, through cooperation within the institutional triangle European Parliament - Commission - Council", stated Marcel Ciolacu, quoted in the press release.

The common objectives pointed out by the Romanian prime minister, for the next period, aim at supporting an ambitious European post-2025 budget, which will support both the competitiveness of the European Union and the process of internal convergence, reducing the gaps between regions and social groups, maintaining the major role of the cohesion policy and the common agricultural policy, ensuring a fair green transition for all, according to the press release.

Also, the prime minister specified that the objective of full accession to the Schengen Area this year remains a fundamental one, recalling the constant support that the European official gave to Romania in this process.

"We particularly appreciate your constant support for Romania's full accession to the Schengen Area, an objective whose full completion we want to achieve very soon", said the head of the Romanian Government.

A major priority for Romania, Prime Minister Ciolacu also pointed out, is the advancement of strategic connectivity projects to the Black Sea. At the same time, the prime minister reiterated Romania's firm commitment to supporting the European path of the Republic of Moldova, as well as Ukraine's European prospects.

Also, Ciolacu mentioned the continuation of comprehensive and multidimensional support for Ukraine, stressing that a European strategy can support national objectives regarding the reconstruction of the neighboring country, but also global food security, connectivity and trade.

"The prime minister emphasized the need to strengthen the actions in the field of defense, by promoting effective and inclusive solutions in terms of industry, innovation and financial support, complementarity with NATO remaining essential. In the same context, the prime minister sent a message of unity regarding pursuing the objective of strengthening the transatlantic relationship", the press release states.

In the context of the visit to Brussels, the prime minister also had a meeting with the president-elect of the European Council, Antonio Costa, on Monday.


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