![]() Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ 4,752,548 pensioners, in March 2024, average pension, 2,247 RON![]() 4,752,548 pensioners, in March 2024, average pension, 2,247 RONThe total value of the due pension rights amounted to almost 10.68 billion RON. Of the total number of pensioners, 636,266 had periods of work in agriculture, the average pension being 637 RON. According to CNPP statistics, of the total number of retirees from the public pension system, the number of those who retired at the age limit was 3,812,232 people, of which 2,189,608 were women, while the average pension was 2,505 RON. In March 2024, 5,089 people received early pension (3,156 RON, average pension), 88,869 people received partial early pension (2,302 RON average pension) and 394,470 people received disability pension (average pension 961 RON), of which 44,952 people for the first degree of disability (828 RON, average pension). In the same month, the survivor's pension was granted to a number of 451,769 people (1,176 RON average pension), while 119 pensioners received social aid (531 RON, on average).
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