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_ USR's Drula: The United Right Alliance will modernise Romania

USR's Drula: The United Right Alliance will modernise Romania

USR on Sunday said that USR;s Political Bureau voted to in favour of the establishment of the United Right Alliance, made up of USR, the People's Movement Party (PMP) and Forta Dreptei (Right Force).

"Today, Romanians are living worse than they did two years ago, when PNL [National Liberal Party] and Klaus Iohannis brought PSD [Social Democratic Party] to power. They are living worse because the incumbent ruling coalition was only interested in privileges for them, for party cronies and special pensions," Drula said in a message posted on a social media platform by USR.

He added that the alliance would "reset" the economy, cut taxes and put "money back in the pockets of people and small businesses that create jobs."

"We are the only alliance that can do that. We have already demonstrated it in the government; we are demonstrating it daily in the cities led by USR mayors, who brought record-breaking investment to their localities. At the Ministry of Transport, we negotiated EUR 7.6 billion under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Romania's most ambitious transport infrastructure reform and investment programme."

According to Drula, the United Right is today "the only real alternative to PSD corruption and waste."

USR, PMP and the Right Force unveiled on Sunday a joint list for the European Parliament elections, as well as a manifesto for the elections.

On December 18, 2023, the USR, PMP and Right Force national leaders announced the establishment of the United Right Alliance for the 2024 elections.

Also back then, the party leaders said that the three parties will run in the 2024 European Parliament elections on a joint list of candidates.

The first eight candidates are, in order of the list: Dan Barna, Vlad Voiculescu, Eugen Tomac, Vlad Botos, Cristina Pruna, Violeta Alexandru, Radu Mihail, and Corina Atanasiu.


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