17:27 2024-01-26
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Over RON 890 million RON for subsidising jobs for vulnerable groups of unemployedOver RON 890 million RON for subsidising jobs for vulnerable groups of unemployedUnder the Romanian legislation, included among the vulnerable groups are the unemployed over the age of 45, sole breadwinners of single-parent families, young people up to 29 years old, people with disabilities, graduates without experience, long-term unemployed. "We are witnessing a record number of employees. Programmes such as the one run by ANOFM regarding employers hiring unemployed people from vulnerable groups also contribute to that. People accessing jobs is how real social inclusion is achieved. We will continue to implement training and employment policies that meet the needs of employers and, at the same time, we also come to the support of vulnerable groups," according to Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Simona Bucura-Oprescu. By the end of May 2024, the agreements related to the eligible applications submitted by employers for approximately 32,000 hired unemployed people will be concluded.
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