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_ Ministry of Research finances projects on state-of-the-art technologies with over 180 mln RON

Ministry of Research finances projects on state-of-the-art technologies with over 180 mln RON

According to a press release, funding is provided by the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2022-2027 (PNCDI IV), programme 5.6 - Challenges, subprogramme 5.6.3. - Solutions.

"We are investing over 180 million RON to develop applications based on the latest technologies, such as high-performance sensors for observing artificial objects in the vicinity of the Earth or analysis and evaluation services of extra-atmospheric space. At the same time, the projects selected through this financing line contributes to Romania's involvement in the European programme for secure communications, by consolidating the national components and creating a system architecture, to ensure the continuity of national activities and the transition to Secure Connectivity," stated minister of research Bogdan Ivan, quoted in the press release.

The financing procedure is carried out by the Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), and the project implementation period is between 24 and 36 months from the date of signing the financing contracts.

MCID states that the funding is aimed at projects that aim to offer innovative solutions in the form of a product, service or manufacturing process, as a response to specific challenges identified by the public sector.

"This type of project within PNCDI IV is financed through "top-down" type competitions, restricted tender", the cited source says.


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