11:27 2024-11-29
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Number of building permits for residential buildings up 3.5pct ten months into 2024Number of building permits for residential buildings up 3.5pct ten months into 2024The number of building permits for residential buildings reached 30,427 in the first ten months of this year, a 3.5% increase compared to the same period in 2023, according to data published the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Friday, announce agerpres.ro. According to official statistics, compared to October 2023, in October this year, there was an increase both in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (+5.4%) and in the total usable area (+51%). Additionally, from one year to the next, there was an increase in the number of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+2.3%) and a decrease in the total usable area (-21.2%). According to the quoted source, from one month to the next (October vs. September 2024), 9.3% fewer building permits were issued for residential buildings (3,165), but with an increase in the total usable area by 49.7% (1,037,671 sqm). Of the total permits, 68.5% are for the rural area. INS data reveal that, in October 2024, there was a decrease in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings compared to the previous month (-325 permits). Regarding the number of building permits for non-residential buildings, it remained unchanged in October compared to September, with 568 such documents issued, covering a total usable area of 278,002 sqm (+8.2%).
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