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_ EnerMin: We signed a record number of contracts with municipalities and public entities nationwide

EnerMin: We signed a record number of contracts with municipalities and public entities nationwide

"We are in a politically complicated moment. Romania is in the middle of a scenario that no one has imagined, and the danger is precisely represented by anti-democratic influences from the East, influences that, at least in the energy sector, Romania escaped through investments. That's what I prioritized in my mandate: investments, investments, investments. For me, the 14 billion euros attracted through financing contracts represents an important step in ensuring Romania's energy independence and security. Today, we signed a record number of contracts with municipalities and public entities in the country. Each of the contracts we signed today will help local communities to reduce their costs utilities, will be able to ensure their energy consumption for schools, nurseries, polyclinics or public lighting returns to the community through new investments," said the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, in a press release sent to AGERPRES.

The 113 financing contracts are related to the call financed by the Modernization Fund, Key Program 1: Renewable energy sources and energy storage - Supporting investments in new production capacities of electricity produced from renewable sources for self-consumption for public entities.

Thus, the Ministry of Energy reconfirms its commitment to energy investments and thus fulfills an important objective for the development of renewable energy production capacities in Romania.

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, signed on Wednesday 113 financing contracts with municipalities and public entities in the country for solar park construction projects, in total value of 316.5 million RON and an installed power of 41.68 MW.

"We are in a politically complicated moment. Romania is in the middle of a scenario that no one has imagined, and the danger is precisely represented by anti-democratic influences from the East, influences that, at least in the energy sector, Romania escaped through investments. That's what I prioritized in my mandate: investments, investments, investments. For me, the 14 billion euros attracted through financing contracts represents an important step in ensuring Romania's energy independence and security. Today, we signed a record number of contracts with municipalities and public entities in the country. Each of the contracts we signed today will help local communities to reduce their costs utilities, will be able to ensure their energy consumption for schools, nurseries, polyclinics or public lighting returns to the community through new investments," said the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, in a press release sent to AGERPRES.

The 113 financing contracts are related to the call financed by the Modernization Fund, Key Program 1: Renewable energy sources and energy storage - Supporting investments in new production capacities of electricity produced from renewable sources for self-consumption for public entities.

Thus, the Ministry of Energy reconfirms its commitment to energy investments and thus fulfills an important objective for the development of renewable energy production capacities in Romania.


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Nr. de articole la aceasta sectiune: 14, afisate in 1 pagina.