08:36 2024-06-18
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Employers' conferderation to hold press conference on lifelong learning initiativesEmployers' conferderation to hold press conference on lifelong learning initiatives"The purpose of this conference is to unveil the conclusions of a research conducted, as well as from talks on them, to the public interested in lifelong learning and adult education and to find together viable ways of action. We aim to find out directly from the relevant decision-makers, in the field of employment and training policies, as well as from the educational ones, their vision in terms of increasing participation in training programmes," according to the organisers. The European perspective is said to be a useful starting point to be able to outline functional solutions for Romania via the section dedicated to the European context, which brings together specialists from European organisations with responsibilities in the field, with representatives of employers from other EU states, in order to facilitate an exchange of good practices. "One of the main goals we put forth by this event is to facilitate multilateral discussions among representatives of all parties involved in the lifelong learning process, so that we can collaboratively identify solutions that bring together the perspectives, needs and interests of each one and that turn into driving vectors for convergent and sustainable policies and practices in the long term."
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