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_ Sharon Osbourne looks gaunt as she steps out with a morning coffee in Beverly Hills and displays 42lbs Ozempic weight loss following bitter feud with Amanda Holden

_ Sharon Osbourne looks gaunt as she steps out with a morning coffee in Beverly Hills and displays 42lbs Ozempic weight loss following bitter feud with Amanda Holden

Sharon Osbourne looked gaunt as she stepped out for a morning coffee in Beverly Hills, displaying her 42lbs Ozempic weight loss on Monday.

The former X Factor judge, 71, has been embroiled in a row in recent weeks with Amanda Holden over Sharon's 'bitter and pathetic' comments about Simon Cowell.

And stepping out in the midst of the drama, Sharon attempted to keep a low profile as she headed to Croft Alley restaurant in the hills.

The red head cut a glamorous display in a stylish tweed blazer and blue denim jeans, teamed with smart black loathers.

She shielded her eyes with designer Gucci sunglasses and accessorised her outfit with a brown leather handbag. 

Simon broke his silence after Sharon and Louis Walsh mocked the music boss, 64, during their stint in the Celebrity Big Brother house.

Sharon said she was 'fuming' with Simon because he didn't renew her contract on the talent show, causing her to lose out on another major TV gig. 

Louis said that he and Simon no longer speak because the mogul had 'cut him out' of his life. 

Sharon's comments prompted a war of words between her and Amanda, leading Simon to finally have his say on on the fued.

He told the Mirror: 'If you put Sharon and Louis in the house, that's what you pay them for, they're going to be controversial. I still consider Sharon and Louis really good friends, we could pick up the phone to each other tomorrow. I think that's probably one of the things they're upset about, because they can never get hold of me.

'Amanda is a great friend, but I really do believe Sharon and Louis are great friends as well. I don’t have a phone but from what I heard, what they said about me was actually quite funny. And I probably will phone them both in the next week or so, because I haven't spoken to them for a while and it sounds like I should do.

'What would I like to say to them? "How are you?" Whenever I meet them, see them, speak to them, it's like we've spoken yesterday. My honest opinion is I think we miss each other.'

After hearing what Sharon had to say about Simon, Amanda branded her 'bitter and pathetic'.

Amanda's comments to the Daily Mail Weekend Magazine enraged Sharon who retaliated in a rant on X, formerly known as Twitter, in which she wrote: 'You don't know me, Amanda. Unlike you, the brand of Sharon Osbourne is known worldwide.'

When asked this week, Amanda refused to comment on Sharon's outburst but told MailOnline: 'Oh it's all b******s. Let's not give oxygen to any of that.' 

Actress Amanda had told the Daily Mail's Weekend Magazine: 'I hated seeing certain people in a reality show dissing Simon - he's the person who's given them all the chances, given them a lot of money and a lifestyle they probably wouldn't have had.

'It's bitter and pathetic. It was like Cinderella with her two sisters in the background - just stabby, stabby, stabby.'

Just 12 hours later, Sharon took to Twitter to issue the presenter with a full statement and accused her of being an 'ill informed sycophantic'. 

Sharon's post began: 'Amanda, I am responding to your interview with the Daily Mail on April 12th, I respect the fact that you feel the need to defend your good friend and employer, Simon Cowell, who is also your husband's employer, or so I've read.

'However, a couple of your statements regarding myself are factually incorrect.'

Sharon went on to list her incredible repertoire of achievements, as she savagely pointed out: 'Amanda, I think you're missing the point here, no disrespect to Simon Cowell, but he NEEDED ME for musical credibility on X Factor and I delivered for him and together all of us made a great team.'

She insisted: 'The truth is, you don't know me, Amanda or any of my close friends. You know nothing about my family history in the music industry, my achievements, the artists I have worked with, the shows that I've produced and my global celebrity.

'Unlike you, the brand of Sharon Osbourne is known worldwide. There are many countries that I could work in if I choose to, however, I don't have the ambition or time to do so.'

Sharon went on to flaunt her wealth and luxurious lifestyle as she quipped: 'Our worlds are totally different. I have been blessed with an amazing lifestyle throughout my entire life.

'Before you were born, I was living in a mansion in Beverly Hills and continue to do so today and continue to have my country estate in England as well.

'But there is something you should know. I never discuss money, lifestyle or positions of power. I find it to be classless and crude.

'However you've now forced my hand to divulge these things to you and I honestly don't want to seem like I'm bragging, but the truth is my money and success were not due to doing a couple of Simon Cowell talent shows.

'Don't get me wrong I enjoyed doing them at the time as they were great fun. Yes, Simon paid me very well. Probably more than what you're receiving today, but all of that my darling went on a few handbags.'

Listing her career accolades, Sharon continued: 'At the time that I worked on X Factor, I was the only judge who had global accomplishments with multiple million-selling artists, Grammy Award winner and arena and stadium headliners.

'I was also a very successful festival producer with Ozfest which ran for 24 years, as well as a best-selling author and producer of the hit show 'The Osbournes' for which I received an Emmy Award.

'Amanda, I think you're missing the point here, no disrespect to Simon Cowell, but he NEEDED ME for musical credibility on X Factor and I delivered for him and together all of us made a great team.' 

Sharon explained that none of her success was down to Simon and instead due to her own work and that of her husband's.

She continued: 'It was only after several seasons of X Factor that Simon started to build his music empire and I give him much kudos for what he built. When I met my husband I was already very well established in the music industry.

'Having worked with bands like Electric Light Orchestra, Motorhead, Smashing Pumpkins, Gary Moore, The Move , Roy Woods, Wizzard, Linsey de Paul, Breitt Ekland and Black Sabbath to name a few.

'I think you must have forgotten my husband is a music icon who has sold 170million albums, won multiple Grammy Awards, and is a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee. 

'We have been together for 44 years and he has spoiled me from the first day we met, he has given me more than any man could, all of this before I ever knew who Simon Cowell was.'

Signing off, Sharon concluded: 'In closing I must say whenever I have seen you on TV I always thought you were very beautiful and talented. However, never make comments about my lifestyle given to me by Simon Cowell.

'It's demeaning to me and my husband and all the achievements I have made in my life as you're making yourself look like an ill informed sycophantic.

'Sincerely, Sharon Osbourne'.

Taking a defiant stance against Sharon's fiery statement, Amanda stood by what she said, while acknowledging The X Factor judge's 'incredible' career.

A spokesperson for the actress told MailOnline: 'Amanda is aware of Sharon’s incredible career but, just like her, Amanda will always defend those close to her.'


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