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_ EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Writes Preface to New Book �The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis� and Includes the CIA Connection



Medical expert David W.Mantik, M.D., Ph.D.and best-selling author Jerome R.Corsi, Ph.D., recently released The Assassination of John F.Kennedy: The Final Analysis (2024).

In this analysis the two experts validate the observations of the physicians at Parkland Hospital, who recognized immediately that the wound in JFK�s throat and the massive, avulsed blow-out in the back of his head both involved frontal shots.

The book is available now on Amazon, CLICK HERE.

The Gateway Pundit posted two excerpts earlier from the book on the JFK Assassination Coup d��tat and Coverup.

** EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: The JFK Assassination Coup d��tat and Coverup � Latest Book by Jerome Corsi Examines the 35th President�s Death

** Exclusive: The Shot from the Front that Hit JFK�s Right Temporal Bone by His Ear, Creating a Massive Blow-out Wound in the Occipital Bone at the Right Back of JFK�s Head-Excerpt From the Latest Book by Jerome Corsi and David Mantik

Today we have another exclusive — Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan� wrote the preface to the book and it is explosive!

Here is the transcript of the Archbishop’s preface.

David W.Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., and Jerome R.Corsi, Ph.D.
> The Assassination of John F.Kennedy: The Final Analysis

> Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan�,

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

�Ask not what your country can do for you:�ask what you can do for your country.�
> John Fitzgerald Kennedy, January 20, 1961

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected the 35th President of the United States of America at a time of great change that involved the whole world.A few years before the event that brought the first Catholic President in American history to the White House, Pope John XXIII had been elected, the Pontiff who convoked the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and who believed he could open the doors of the Church to dialogue with the world.The early 1960s take us back to the Cold War, the Berlin Wall, the Cuban crisis, the threat of a looming nuclear conflict, and that perhaps forced and certainly simplistic dualism between right and left that has since begun to show signs of losing steam.Italy, along with the other NATO member countries, was in the midst of an economic boom in those years and 1968, the year of the great student and cultural revolution, the end of the old world, was still yet to come.

This work by David W.Mantik and Jerome R.Corsi touches on specialized topics of great interest not only to historians.It presents very credible evidence that Kennedy was killed on the orders of the CIA and leads us to ask a fundamental question: Why did the Secret Service assassinate President Kennedy? History will be able to answer this question when new documents will be declassified and it will be possible to reconstruct the troubled and complex events of those years.Nevertheless, I believe that each of us, observing the sequence of events from above, so to speak, is able to understand how correct is the intuition of the authors, who rightly identify in the murder of JFK the subversive action of a coup d��tat at the hands of deviant components of the state apparatus.We could say that it was in those years that the deep state began to operate with greater incisiveness, which today shows itself in all its evidence, but which even then acted for the pursuit of purposes in contrast with the true interests of the Nation and against the good of the American people.

The term deep state derin devlet in Turkish � was coined to indicate the network of power close to the Masonic Lodges that Mustafa Kemal Atat�rk created, again in a subversive way, to flank the action of indoctrination to the so-called �democratic principles� of the Young Turks, just as in Italy, during the so-called Risorgimento, Giuseppe Mazzini created the Giovine Italia movement to bring down the pre-unification States and replace them with the Piedmontese Monarchy that was subservient to Freemasonry.The deep state is therefore a lobby entrenched in power, which controls and directs events through its emissaries.Its counterpart in the religious sphere is what I have called the deep church, which has the same goals and uses the same methods.Let us not forget that after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, the Conclave that led to the election of Angelo Roncalli was the scene of maneuvers and pressures aimed precisely at ensuring that the new Pope would represent a moment of novelty and rupture with the past.And it was no coincidence that John XXIII himself � too often dangerously close to the Masonic Lodges on the one hand and to exponents of Modernism on the other � wanted, so to speak, to defy Providence, by convoking an Ecumenical Council that the Roman Curia knew would bring into the ecclesial body the most extreme instances of modernization of the Church in the doctrinal, moral, and liturgical fields.

In 1958, therefore, we had a progressive Pope, the so-called �good pope,� the pope of dialogue and renewal, who was appreciated by circles hitherto hostile to the Roman Church.Then in 1960, Democrat John Fitzgerald Kennedy won the election against Republican Richard Nixon, apparently confirming the same trend.In 1962, the Second Vatican Council began.In 1963, the American President was assassinated in Dallas.These would all seem to be unrelated events to an inattentive observer; but if we understand what the aims of the deep state and the deep church were � that is, the two versions of an occult and subversive power � we cannot fail to find an incredible coherence in their respective actions.And perhaps we should ask ourselves if the fact that JFK was Catholic might have led the American deep state to want to eliminate from the international political scene a character who did not accept the role of being a puppet of the elite, unlike the current �president,� the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden.

Church and State have today both been eclipsed by a power that has usurped them and now uses them for the opposite purpose to that which the two institutions ought to have, and we owe the fact that this is so evident today to decades � if not centuries � of subterranean action, of subversive powers which stop at nothing to achieve what they set out to do.The assassination of JFK by the CIA has been repeated with the fraudulent elimination of President Trump on the occasion of the 2020 election fraud; but even before that with the forced resignation in 2013 of Pope Benedict XVI, an event that was hoped for by the magic circle of the Clintons and John Podesta in their famous Wikileaks emails, and which was followed by the appointment � because to speak of election would be grotesque � of the Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio by the Saint Gallen Mafia, with the key contribution of the serial predator and former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House.

In a famous speech at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961, JFK said: �For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence: on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.� Today we can understand his words in their disturbing truth: �It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.Its preparations are concealed, not published; its mistakes are buried, not headlined; its dissenters are silenced, not praised.No expenditure is questioned; no rumor is printed; no secret is revealed.� And so we understand why that system eliminated Kennedy, seeing him as a serious threat.

The Final Analysis has the merit of directly confronting the reality of the coup d��tat that was perpetrated by the deep state through the assassination of President Kennedy, who was considered an obstacle to the achievement of objectives that today we understand were achieved in any case, with or without the approval of the �sovereign� people.A coup that has led the institutions of the United States of America � not unlike those of other nations and of the Catholic Church herself � to be the unique and totalitarian expression of a subversive power that dangerously combines the individualistic interests of capital with the tyrannical methods of communist collectivism.This privatization of the State is mirrored in the chronic and irreversible indebtedness of the citizens, who are called upon to pay the bankruptcy costs of the speculations of the very powerful international financial lobby.And it should not escape our notice that there is a parallel with the privatization of the Catholic Church, which has now been taken over by an elite no less subversive than that of the deep state, in which positions of power have been infiltrated by heretical and corrupt prelates who use the authority of Christ to guarantee obedience from the faithful.

It is clear to me � and this is the reason why, as Archbishop and former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, I agreed to write this Preface � that this coup necessarily had to avail itself of the ideological support and moral authority of the Catholic Church, which otherwise would have represented an obstacle to the fulfillment of the project of the New World Order.This is why I believe that the events related to Kennedy�s assassination should be read as part of one narrative together with those that led the Church of Rome to progressively become the spokesperson for the globalist plan, a plan on which the same lobbies were working that today are leading to the dissolution of the social, moral, religious, cultural, and economic fabric of Western countries.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country� � these are the famous words pronounced by President Kennedy during his inaugural address on January 20, 1961.They are still valid today for every American citizen and must lead everyone to understand the need not to remain on the sidelines as inert spectators of political and social events, but on the contrary to take an active part in them with a courageous witness of faith, rectitude, and honesty.Knowing the enemy and understanding their intentions is crucial if you want to fight them effectively.

I hope that this book, written with passion and incorporating new evidence, can stimulate a re-reading of history in which the coup d��tat of the globalist elite appears in all its evidence, so that those responsible are called to account for it, and above all so that future rulers have the bonum commune at heart, in the awareness that this will be the measure for how they will be judged by God.

+ Carlo Maria Vigan�, Archbishop,

�� former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

April 21, 2024

Dominica III post Pascha


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