07:56 2024-04-22
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Romania's crude oil production declines 2.9pct two months into 2024Romania's crude oil production declines 2.9pct two months into 2024Imports of crude oil amounted to 1.395 million toe during the same period, up 59,200 toe y-o-y. According to the latest Energy Balance Forecast published by the National Board on Economic Strategy and Forecasts (CNSP), Romania's crude oil production will be on a downward trajectory until 2026, by an average annual rate of -2.2% as a result of the natural decline of deposits and the maintenance of existing production utilities. Thus, in 2024, production should be 2.98 million toe (-2.3% y-oy), in 2025 2.91 million toe (-2.3%) and in 2026 2.855 million toe (-2%). On the other hand, CNSP is expecting imports to increase in the same period by an average annual rate of 4.1%. For 2024, imports of 9.65 million toe (+4.7%), for 2025 of 10 million toe (+3.6%), and for 2026 of 10.3 million toe (+3%) are estimated in the latest Energy Balance Forecast.
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