13:15 2024-04-20
intpolitic - citeste alte articole pe aceeasi tema
Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Forta Dreptei, the true liberals: Romania cannot be left in the hands of Ciolacu, Ciuca, IohannisForta Dreptei, the true liberals: Romania cannot be left in the hands of Ciolacu, Ciuca, IohannisThe chairman of Forta Dreptei / Force of the Right, Ludovic Orban, declared, on Saturday, at the party's congress, that the true liberals are in this party and argued that Romania cannot be left "in the hands of (Social-Democrat PM Marcel, ed. n.) Ciolacu, (PNL's head Nicolae, ed. n.) Ciuca, (PSD Bucharest leader Gabriela, ed. n.) Firea, (Romania's president Klaus, ed. n.) Iohannis, in the hands of people who have little heart and little respect for Romanian citizens". AdChoices
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