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_ Mayor Negoita says he will accept to be coalition's candidate for Bucharest City Hall if asked by party

Mayor Negoita says he will accept to be coalition's candidate for Bucharest City Hall if asked by party

Negoita was asked by Realitatea Plus private broadcaster if he is Catalin Cirstoiu's replacement for Bucharest City Hall.

"I can't confirm it; it's just that it's a very important moment. Bucharest is the capital of the country, but over the last four years Bucharest has suffered a lot from underdevelopment and I think we have to show a great responsibility and we have to fight with all our might for Bucharest. Therefore, yes; even if so far I have categorically refused, as long as the party asks and the decision is taken, I no longer refuse," Negoita said.

He added that that there have been several discussions on this subject, including in the alliance.

"I'd stop at this news - I am not opposed. As long as I think I can be useful, I am here because Bucharest is too important to all of us. There have been discussions including in the alliance, but so far it is not a decision taken. I don't know when the decision will be taken, there are no decisions for me to make, I just showed my availability."

Negoita also said that "some polls were presented that did not look very favourable" on Catalin Cirstoiu, which is why "there were these countless and long, complicated meetings" to find the solution to "this problem".


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