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_ România, vizată în mega frauda din PNRR-ul Italiei: Anchetă EPPO pentru 600 milioane de euro

România, vizată în mega frauda din PNRR-ul Italiei: Anchetă EPPO pentru 600 milioane de euro

Parchetul European investighează peste 20 de persoane din Italia, Austria, România și Slovacia într-un caz amplu de fraudare a sumelor de bani destinate Planului Național de Redresare și Reziliență (PNRR). Conform Politico, grupul infracțional a utilizat metode avansate, inclusiv inteligență artificială, pentru fabricarea de documente false.

La solicitarea procurorilor europeni, 150 de ofițeri din unitățile de poliție financiară și fraudă au reținut opt persoane, în timp ce alte 14 au fost plasate în arest la domiciliu în urma unei anchete transfrontaliere privind o presupusă rețea care ar fi fraudat 600 de milioane de euro din PNRR-ul Italiei.

În cadrul perchezițiilor, au fost confiscate mai multe bunuri, inclusiv mașini Lamborghini și Porsche, ceasuri Rolex, aur și bijuterii, precum și un Lamborghini, un Porsche și un Audi Q8. De asemenea, poliția a identificat și a pus sechestru pe apartamente și vile.

Italia este cel mai mare beneficiar al fondului de redresare economică post-COVID al UE, însă guvernul se confruntă cu dificultăți în a respecta termenele de finalizare a proiectelor.

Gruparea infracțională este compusă din profesioniști cu experiență în obținerea de finanțare publică și este suspectată că a ajutat la obținerea de numerar pentru proiecte în valoare de zeci de milioane de euro, destinate îmbunătățirii competitivității și digitalizării companiilor italiene.

Operațiunile desfășurate joi au avut loc în toată Europa, cu participarea forțelor de poliție din Slovacia, România și Austria, precum și a Parchetului European (EPPO).

Numărul investigațiilor privind fraudele legate de fondurile de redresare ale UE a crescut în 2023, conform raportului anual al EPPO, care este responsabil de investigarea și urmărirea penală a infracțiunilor împotriva intereselor financiare ale UE. Mai mult de 200 de investigații privind fraude au fost deschise anul trecut în legătură cu PNRR, care valorează mai mult de 800 de miliarde de euro. Aceste dosare reprezintă acum aproximativ 15% din toate investigațiile de fraudă gestionate de EPPO.


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  • Are You Ready to Elevate Your Sales?  Carmelo   2024-11-06 - 21:25

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  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Karine   2024-11-06 - 21:43

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Candace   2024-11-08 - 16:49

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Rose   2024-11-10 - 01:47

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Freddie   2024-11-12 - 17:23

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Antoine   2024-11-15 - 15:11

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Chelsey   2024-11-18 - 01:54

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Enid   2024-11-19 - 11:52

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Roberto   2024-11-24 - 06:24

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Brigette   2024-11-24 - 08:42

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Wayne   2024-11-28 - 11:42

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Dorthea   2024-11-29 - 11:44

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Hi fluierul.ro Owner!  Maisie   2024-11-30 - 05:11

    Greetings Want to invest smarter and grow your wealth faster? AI Millionaire empowers you to make data-driven investment decisions using advanced AI algorithms. Get personalized, real-time insights that help you grow your portfolio whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor. If you’re ready to take your investments to the next level, reply to this email and let’s get started! Best regards Maisie Great Britain, NA, Sandwick, Ca10 7ry, 48 Vicar Lane To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email...

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Gwen   2024-12-02 - 11:58

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • To the fluierul.ro Owner.  Hwa   2024-12-03 - 05:39

    Hi Want to invest smarter and grow your wealth faster? AI Millionaire empowers you to make data-driven investment decisions using advanced AI algorithms. Get personalized, real-time insights that help you grow your portfolio whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor. If you’re ready to take your investments to the next level, reply to this email and let’s get started! Best regards Hwa Netherlands, DR, Coevorden, 7741 Rl, Wilhelmina Druckerstraat 98 To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email...

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Sue   2024-12-07 - 17:05

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Magaret   2024-12-07 - 19:01

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Brigida   2024-12-08 - 11:24

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Want to Improve Your Site’s Visibility? I Can Help!  Luigi   2024-12-11 - 11:18

    Hello I noticed that you manage fluierul.ro, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility. If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance. Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site? If so, simply reply to this email with "yes" and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks, SEObyAxy To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Katlyn   2024-12-22 - 06:53

    To the fluierul.ro Admin Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Poland, NA, Warszawa, 01-031, Al. Jana Pawla Ii 22 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Latisha   2024-12-22 - 10:49

    Hello fluierul.ro Webmaster Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Australia, VIC, Melwood, 3875, 5 Romawi Road To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Hayden   2024-12-27 - 16:29

    To the fluierul.ro Webmaster Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Austria, BURGENLAND, Obergmain, 4674, Obdacher Bundesstrasse 26 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Joy   2025-01-03 - 18:00

    To the fluierul.ro Owner Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy United States, NC, Greensboro, 27407, 1305 Keyser Ridge Road To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Warner   2025-01-07 - 11:57

    Dear fluierul.ro Administrator Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Netherlands, FRANCE, Sneek, 8608 Wg, De Vang 161 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Jeanett   2025-01-09 - 12:55

    Hi fluierul.ro Admin Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Netherlands, LI, Heel, 6097 Ad, Broekweg 176 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Theo   2025-01-10 - 10:38

    Hello fluierul.ro Webmaster Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Poland, NA, Bydgoszcz, 85-892, Ul. Otorowska 139 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Mollie   2025-01-15 - 08:57

    Hello fluierul.ro Webmaster Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Great Britain, NA, Wychbold, Wr9 7tw, 11 Ermin Street To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Newton   2025-01-18 - 09:02

    Dear fluierul.ro Owner Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply "yes" to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, SEObyAxy Netherlands, ZH, Zoetermeer, 2725 Ec, Gondelkade 151 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Larue   2025-01-24 - 09:27

    Dear fluierul.ro Owner Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings! Boost your business visibility with our "Google Maps Ranking" service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition. Don't let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success! Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, Larue Townley Poland, NA, Bydgoszcz, 85-892, Ul. Otorowska 139 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Emile   2025-01-27 - 07:07

    Hi fluierul.ro Administrator Are you ready to take control of your Google Maps Rankings and boost your business visibility? Would you like to learn more about our "Google Maps Ranking" service and how it can help you secure a top spot in local search results, attract more customers, and stand out from the competition? Let us know, and we’ll share all the details with you! Reply to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, Emile Gilman Netherlands, NH, Zaandam, 1507 Xa, Jan Adam Zandlevenstraat 15 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe fluierul.ro

  • Boost Your Google Maps Ranking Today with the Power of Backlinks!  Shad   2025-02-05 - 02:59

    Hello fluierul.ro Admin Are you ready to take control of your Google Maps Rankings and boost your business visibility? Would you like to learn more about our "Google Maps Ranking" service and how it can help you secure a top spot in local search results, attract more customers, and stand out from the competition? Let us know, and we’ll share all the details with you! Reply to this email, and I'll be happy to share more details with you. Best regards, Shad Ralph Iceland, NA, Patreksfjor?Ur, 451, A?Algata 29 To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe !fluierul.ro

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_ Cine este cine dintre bacterii: o modalitate fiabilă de a defini speciile și tulpinile

_ Atena, înghiţită de ceaţa portocalie provocată de furtuna de praf din Sahara

_ Mutare-cheie a Kremlinului: Putin l-a numit pe comandatul trupelor cecene Spetsnaz în aparatul militar de la Moscova

_ Un cristal lichid dimer feroelectric cu polarizare spontană uriașă și constantă dielectrică la temperaturi scăzute

_ Cercetătorii investighează proprietățile clusterului deschis NGC 6383

_ Un alt actor de la Hollywood suferă de TDS: Alan Ritchson �i atacă pe creștinii care susțin �violatorul� și �escrocatorul� Trump � �El este copilul posterului lor�

_ Simularea cuantică cu fermioni ultrareci dezvăluie pseudogap de împerechere

_ Un inginer software a purtat Apple Vision Pro la nunta sa, spre disperarea miresei

_ Ciolacu promite clarificări prin OUG pe tema pensiilor militare

_ Bărbat, 19 ani, suferă de un GLOBUL OCULAR paralizat după ce a fost mușcat de față de un ciobanesc german și a dezvoltat „sindromul dintelui canin”

_ Încă trei suspecţi au fost plasaţi în arest preventiv în cazul atacului terorist de la Moscova

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Nr. de articole la aceasta sectiune: 4258, afisate in 71 pagini.