17:37 2024-03-15
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ We do not get involved in electoral campaign in Romania, keeping fingers crossed for UDMR (minister Szijjarto)We do not get involved in electoral campaign in Romania, keeping fingers crossed for UDMR (minister Szijjarto)We know that this year is an election year here in Romania. If I calculated correctly, there are four electoral ballots when the population is called to the polls. Obviously, on the part of Hungary there is no attempt to intervene in these elections, but we maintain that right to hold our fingers crossed for someone and make the UDMR a gallery, because the stronger the UDMR is in the political life of Romania, to a greater extent we can rely on the UDMR so that the relations between Romania and Hungary are more stable, more strategic and better. For this reason, I ask with great respect the Hungarians from Secuime (Szekler Land, ed. n.), from Transylvania and throughout Romania that a large percentage as possible participate in the vote in this super-electoral year in Romania, declared the Hungarian minister, during a press conference. He expressed his hope that the upcoming election campaigns will not be marked by anti-Hungarian attitudes and also mentioned that, in his opinion, the contribution of the UDMR "to make Romania's internal life stable" helped to reduce anti-Hungarian demonstrations.
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