12:07 2024-01-27
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ PSD's Ciolacu: I hope there will be no more breaking news that we have sold TransylvaniaPSD's Ciolacu: I hope there will be no more breaking news that we have sold Transylvania"I am firmly convinced that there will be breaking news: 'Ciolacu has been talking to Hungarian ethnics. Where? I hope there will be no more breaking news that we have sold Transylvania. Folks, Transylvania is Romanian land, we are part of the European Union and Hungary is part of the European Union. We are NATO members and we and Hungary have signed agreements for eternity from now on. Let's put an end to the nonsense that Transylvania is not Romanian land. This can't happen as we can't, after 35 years of democracy, reheat this soup just to make enemies. And after two months of campaigning, let's forget that we married a Romanian Hungarian woman or a Romanian Hungarian man and that we have children together, that we see each other in the morning for coffee and lunch, at work and that we live together," said Marcel Ciolacu. The PSD leader said that those times when the speech about Transylvania aroused emotions and that the future in Europe looks different are over. Prime Minister Ciolacu pointed out that things evolved a lot and that each public figure, through the politics they make, must direct things towards normality.
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