12:12 2024-02-23
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Non-government loans dip 0.6 pct this JanuaryNon-government loans dip 0.6 pct this JanuaryRON-denominated loans accounted for 68.5 percent of the total, down 0.5 pct, and foreign currency-denominated loans expressed in domestic RON (at 31.5 percent of the total) went down by 0.8 percent (when expressed in EUR, the decrease was 0.9 percent). Compared to the year-ago period, loans to the non-government sector were 5.7 percent higher (-1.6 percent in real terms), on account of the 5 percent advance of the RON-denominated component (-2.2 percent in real terms) and of the 7.1 percent increase in the foreign currency-denominated component expressed in RON (expressed in EUR, the forex component was 6 percent up). The credit to the general government advanced 1.9 pct this January from December 2023 to RON 200.258 billion; compared to January 2023 it was by 13.7 pct higher (5.8 pct in real terms). Broad money (M3) as of end-January amounted to RON 668.960 billion, 0.2 pct up (-0.9 pct in real terms) from December 2023 and 10.8 pct higher compared to January 2023 (+3.2 pct in real terms).
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