![]() Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Romania is well-stocked with weapons and ammunition for its current needs (analyst)Romania is well-stocked with weapons and ammunition for its current needs (analyst)"The amount of ammunition used depends on the accuracy of the weaponry. Overall, considered against what plans we have and the missions our forces could receive - they haven't been assigned such operations yet, because we are not in a state of war - we have enough munitions and weapons for what we need. Yet if things were to escalate into a 20th century war, with high consumption, when one needs to convert the entire defense industry to defense production, to boost production capacities for weapons, shells or other types of ammunition, then of course, we are not prepared for this in any way," Hari Bucur-Marcu told AGERPRES in the context of the commemoration of two years of war in Ukraine. The analyst emphasized that other elements also matter for the military power of a country. "Other factors that matter for the military power are the political will and the ability to plan, the quality of army commanders, plus a lot of other things that cannot be measured very precisely and which you could have the surprise to see that whereas in peace time they appeared to be an asset, are actually a drawback during war time. That is, they turn from opportunities into vulnerabilities," he explained. As far as Army ordnance is concerned, these elements are planned according to the missions the forces are preparing for, strategic or operative, the military analyst specified. Regarding the Black Sea basin, Romania's closest point of contact with Russia, the military expert is of the opinion that Romania is not at disadvantage in terms of armaments and, in addition, the partnership with Turkey and Bulgaria under NATO's umbrella also counts massively for its position in this region. According to Hari Bucur-Marcu, the government needs to adjust its message for the general public, so that people understand the role of an Army Reserve, what this means, what advantages and disadvantages there are for everyone. "It falls on the government to tell us where we stand at the moment. This is very important," the military analyst concluded.
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