_ Defence official Dobre: We want to bring added value to Romania's military health and healthcare system
Defence official Dobre: We want to bring added value to Romania's military health and healthcare system
"When we started this process, we took into account all aspects, that is, it is not an approach that we started yesterday and finished today. It is about the result of a rather long, laborious activity, in which we went through various stages of training, exposure during exercises and not only with our colleagues from the civilian healthcare system but also with our partners. And it actually comes as a sum of our experiences. It is true that we have been preparing for this approach since the end of 2019, when we considered that we have enough things to transpose in the legislative field, but the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, and there we stepped in, we can say successfully- the world is free to judge us what we did well and what we did less well," said Dobre, agerpres reports.
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