![]() Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ FinMin Bolos says first issues of green bonds to be launched soon![]() FinMin Bolos says first issues of green bonds to be launched soonAccording to a press release from the relevant ministry, the Government approved on Thursday the draft Government Decision on the Framework on financing of projects that are intended to protect the environment and combat climate change, informs the Ministry of Finance. Projects labeled as green include those related to renewable energy production, energy efficiency, pollution prevention and control, clean transportation, sustainable water and wastewater management, climate change adaptation, green buildings and environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use. "It was the last step we had to complete in order to be able to issue green bonds. So, soon you will see the first issues launched. We are talking about an instrument through which we will secure financing for projects such as the development of the metro transport network in the cities of Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, the electrification of the railway to ensure fully electric railway services in the main urban areas in Romania and the increase in the energy efficiency of the building stock and the establishment of new urban forest areas", explained Minister Marcel Bolos, quoted in the press release. In accordance with the Indicative Calendar of issues of government securities for the year 2024, the first issues of green bonds, both on the international and domestic markets, will be launched during this year.
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