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_ Arrivals in tourist reception structures, up by 3% six months into 2024

Arrivals in tourist reception structures, up by 3% six months into 2024

Of the total number of arrivals, in the first semester, the arrivals of Romanian tourists represented 81.8%, while the arrivals of foreign tourists represented 18.2%.

The overnight stays registered in tourist reception structures (including apartments and rooms for rent), in the first semester of this year, totaled 11.316 million, an increase of 2.1% compared to those in the first semester of 2023. The overnight stays of Romanian tourists represented 80 .4% and those of foreign tourists represented 19.6%.

The average length of stay in the first 6 months of this year was 1.9 days for Romanian tourists and 2.1 days for foreign tourists.

The net utilization index of tourist accommodation places in the first semester was 25.6% of total tourist accommodation structures (including apartments and rooms for rent), down by 0.2 percentage points compared to the period January 1-June 30 2023.

By county, the number of tourist arrivals in tourist reception structures with accommodation functions (including apartments and rooms for rent) recorded higher values in the Municipality of Bucharest (942,800 people), Brasov (667,900 people) and Constanta (357,600 people) and overnight stays recorded higher values ??in the City of Bucharest (1.883 million people), Brasov (1.242 million people) and Constanta (919,200 people).

By country, the most arrivals of foreign tourists staying in tourist reception structures with accommodation functions (including apartments and rooms for rent), in the first six months, came from Germany (102,700 people), Italy (102,500 people) and the USA (63,000 people).

The arrivals of foreign visitors to Romania registered at the border points were, between January 1 and June 30, 2024, 6.260 million people, 2.238 million of them coming from the European Union countries.

The means of road transport were the most used by foreign visitors (78.8% of the total arrivals of the period).


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