11:31 2024-02-26
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Taxi drivers threatening hunger strike if demands not metTaxi drivers threatening hunger strike if demands not metTaxi drivers, members of the National Association of Taxi Transport Operators (ANPOTRT), protested on Monday in the Constitution Square, requesting the issuance, as a matter of urgency, of an ordinance amending Law 204/2019 (OUG 49/2019), for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) No. 49/2019 on alternative transport activities by car and driver. According to a press release from the Meridian National Trade Union Confederation, the action aims to draw the attention of the Romanian Government to the multiple requests submitted over the last seven months in an attempt to amend Law 204/2019 (OUG 49/2019), which regulates alternative transport. The source says that a protocol has been issued by the Bucharest City Hall for the organisation and holding of the public meeting on 26, 27 and 28 February 2024, according to which the protest will take place in Constitution Square, the public parking lot, and the participants will gather between 7:00 and 9:00, with the participation of a maximum of 800 registered TAXI vehicles. For the days of 27 and 28, the protest has been approved in the same location, with the participation of a maximum of 1,800 vehicles registered as TAXI.
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